A journey through one aspect of Puerh in 3 teas, the topic for this event is the terroir of Gua Feng Zhai, the “windy village” on the border between Yiwu (China) and Laos, where there are old trees made strong by the need of having wind resistance and one of the most deep and powerful Qi available in the whole Yiwu, combined with the trademark Yiwu sweetness. Paolo will introduce the terroir and teas in full at the event.
Please make sure to be here between 12.15 and 3.45 as we will all be drinking the same three teas together. You also want to have eaten before (either bring snack to eat here or eat at home beforehand). Of course you’re also welcome to come earlier (from 11) or stay longer (up to 5, flexible), see full program below.
Multiple tea tables, tea people, amazing tea, deep conversation, people come from all over the UK (and abroad) for this and for a good reason, the energy of the live meeting is quite extraordinary, the people you meet become good friends and you can get a lot of inspiration for your own tea practice.
- 11-12.30 Open tea sessions and lunch
- 12.30-1.30 Tea #1: 2023 Chen YuanHao Gua Feng Zhai
- 1.30-2.30 Tea #2: 2016 Gold Mark Gua Feng Zhai
- 2.30-3.30 Tea #3: 2006 Chen He Guang Tang Yiwu Chawang Autumn
- 3.30-5 Open tea sessions
These guidelines apply to the open tea sessions:
***** These are the guidelines for the event, please make sure that you've read them all and agree before registering. (Updated June 2023) *****
Please take the time to read slowly and really take it in.
Forget time
We're here to experience some peaceful, connected, content time. Like being a tea tree, unconcerned with status, wealth, image and all the usual rushing to and fro of mankind. Leave all these behind for a few hours.
Turn off your phone
Even if you wish to take a picture, turn your phone off (off, not silent) straight after
Join a table
Ask freely to join an existing table or start a new one.
Bring your cup or if you need to borrow one, keep hold of it during the day.
Please, no food at tea tables, there are special areas for sharing food. Bring your own food or order takeout.
Which tea?
When drinking multiple teas in a day, it's best to use the really high quality ones, because otherwise it can be a bit harsh on the body and mind. You may want to bring some of your very best tea, or you can try sample sizes of various world-class Puerh.
Metta (the “loving kindness” dog)
We have a lovely golden retriever who will come to sniff you, and perhaps lie down at your feet.
Please do not feed her.
Close doors when entering and leaving the house, as she's an escape artist.
On communication
Humble invitations to make the most of these day
1) Be interested in the other
Ask questions and try to understand them (as opposed to the common 'waiting for one's turn to talk'), particularly listen to the quiet ones, avoid interruptions, leave a lot of space before speaking.
2) Talk about the here and now
Avoid topics like politics, covid, jobs (unless it really moves you).
Take the occasion to connect deeper, leaving contentious and usual topics of conversation for other more appropriate settings.
3) One conversation at each table
There is beauty and depth in silence, particularly when it happens naturally.
Resist the temptation to “fill the gaps”, allow some quiet space to be and time to think, you'll be rewarded with peace.
4) People are actually really friendly...
...when we quieten our minds.
We wish to see the real you, no need to hide or perform.
***** These are the guidelines for the event, please make sure that you've read them all and agree before registering. *****
To register please input your email below. You will receive an email which contains a link you need to click on to register